18 种绣线菊分子身份证的构建和SCAR 标记转化

刘慧民, 刘一佳, 吕贵娥, 车代弟*
东北农业大学园艺学院, 哈尔滨150030

通信作者:车代弟;E-mail: daidiche@yahoo.com.cn;Tel: 0451-55190563

摘 要:

取北方常见的 18 种绣线菊, 用 200 条 RAPD 随机引物进行扩增, 选出 10 条引物扩增出的清晰稳定、重复性好的图谱 进行数据分析。10 条引物共检测出 51 个位点。对凝胶电泳得到的谱带统计结果并赋值, 用 ID Analysis 1.0 软件进行数据 分析的结果表明, 仅需 6 条引物对应的 7 个位点可将 18 种绣线菊完全区分。在 RAPD 扩增过程中, 找到三裂绣线菊的特异 标记 SL700, 并将此标记转化成SCAR 标记, 这一特异标记在分子水平可将三裂绣线菊与其他17 种绣线菊区分开来。

关键词:绣线菊; 分子身份证; RAPD标记; SCAR 标记

收稿:2009-08-28   修定:2009-11-19


Establishment of Molecular ID and Conversion to SCAR Marker in Eighteen Spiraea Species

LIU Hui-Min, LIU Yi-Jia, LÜ Gui-E, CHE Dai-Di*
College of Horticulture, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China

Corresponding author: CHE Dai-Di; E-mail: daidiche@yahoo.com.cn; Tel: 0451-55190563


A total of 18 Spiraea species common in North China were amplified by 200 randomly selected primers with RAPD method. We chose 10 primers that had clear, stable and reproducible electrophoretic maps for data analysis. There were 51 polymorphic sites detected from 10 primers. The bands of gel electrophoresis were taken statistics, assigned, and analyzed by ID Analysis 1.0 software. The results showed that 18 Spiraea species could be completely distinguished by 7 sites of 6 primers. In the RAPD amplification process, a specific marker named SL700 of Spiraea trilobata was found, and SL700 was converted to SCAR marker. Using the specific marker, Spiraea trilobata could be distinguished from other Spiraea species at a molecular level.

Key words: Spiraea L.; molecular ID; RAPD marker; SCAR marker

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